
13.7 Cues Often Used for Equivalence Relations

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For example, when specifying a relation of sameness or equivalence between an object and its name, we will often point to the object and say “This is called a…” This event includes multiple contextual cues that indicate a stimulus relation is being specified. Together, these contextual cues predict reinforcement for responding to the word triangle and the image of a triangle as though there is a relation of sameness or equivalence between them.

Sample Contextual Cues
Specific words or phrases
Speaker’s tone of voice
Form or structure of a sentence
Juxtaposition of objects and words
Pointing at something
Looking at something
Spatial arrangement of words on written page
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Why is like a 5 year old’s skirt so short, maybe let’s not do that

It’s primarily because when I first developed this tutorial about 20 years ago, this teacher/student graphic was the best I had available to me in my clip art packages. There are a lot more graphics options available now, though, so I’ll work on updating these when I get a chance.

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