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1.5 Relational Frame Theory and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A Possible Synthesis Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, & Veronica Cullinan $15.00 |
1.5 Cooper, Heron, and Heward’s Applied Behavior Analysis (2nd ed.): Checkered Flag for Students and Professors, Yellow Flag for the Field Patrick C. Friman $15.00 |
1.5 Establishing a Deictic Relational Repertoire in Young Children Timothy M. Weil, Steven C. Hayes, & Philip Capurro $15.00 |
1 1 $20.00 |
1.5 1.5 Performance Management in Clinical Settings Heather McGee $30.00 |
1 1 $20.00 |
1 Derived Manding in Children with Autism: Synthesizing Skinner’s Verbal Behavior with Relational Frame Theory Carol Murphy, Dermot Barnes-Holmes, & Yvonne Barnes-Holmes $10.00 |
1.5 Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Training for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Brooke Smith & Gregory Smith $30.00 |
1 1 Evidence-Based Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis Susan Wilczynski $20.00 |
0.5 0.5 Toward the Development of an Equity Focused Teacher-Student Interaction Tool Nicole Hollins & Daphne Snyder $10.00 |
2.5 2.5 Moral Behavior and the Development of Verbal Regulation Steven C. Hayes, Elizabeth V. Gifford, & Gregory J. Hayes $25.00 |
1 $20.00 |
1 1 $20.00 |
1.5 Navigating a Managed Care Peer Review Kathleen J. Papatola & Stuart L. Lustig $15.00 |
3.5 $70.00 |
4 4 Practical Ethics for the Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder David Cox, Shawn Quigley, & Matthew Brodhead $80.00 |