ABA Terminology for Effective Practice
Lesson 1: Introduction
9 Topics
1.1 How does this work?
1.2 What will I learn?
1.3 Who is this for?
1.4 BCBA/BCaBA Task List
1.5 BACB Ethics Code
1.6 Standard 2.08
1.7 Standard 2.10
1.8 Standard 3.11
1.9 Objectives
Lesson 2: Behavior-Analytic Terminology: What It Is and When We Use It
14 Topics
2.1 Origins of Behavior-Analytic Terminology
2.2 Three Ways of Explaining Behavior
2.3 Mentalistic Terminology
2.4 Non-Technical Terminology
2.5 Technical Terminology
2.6 Knowledge Check
2.7 Behavior-Analytic Terminology vs. Other Fields
2.8 Cognitive, Clinical, and Behavior-Analytic Terminology
2.9 Accuracy and Precision
2.10 Accuracy and Precision in Behavior Analysis
2.11 Using Non-Technical Terminology
2.12 Addressing Mentalistic Language
2.13 Using Technical Terminology
2.14 Review
Lesson 3: Case Studies
10 Topics
3.1 Consultation with Mrs. Howell Part 1
3.2 Consultation with Mrs. Howell Part 2
3.3 Consultation with Mrs. Howell Part 3
3.4 Consultation with Mrs. Howell Part 4
3.5 Operant Conditioning
3.6 Decreasing Behavior
3.7 Knowledge Check
3.8 Interacting with Mrs. Howell
3.9 Additional Cases
3.10 Review
Lesson 4: Behavior-Analytic Terminology: Why We Use It
27 Topics
4.1 Our Value
4.2 Recall Mrs. Howell
4.3 Reason #1: Informed Representation
4.4 Reason #2: Demonstrated Competence Part 1
4.5 Reason #2: Demonstrated Competence Part 2
4.6 Reason #2: Demonstrated Competence Part 3
4.7 Reason #3: Increased Effectiveness Part 1
4.8 Reason #3: Increased Effectiveness Part 2
4.9 Reason #3: Increased Effectiveness Part 3
4.10 Knowledge Check
4.11 Reason #4: Proactive Discipline Part 1
4.12 Reason #4: Proactive Discipline Part 2
4.13 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 1
4.14 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 2
4.15 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 3
4.16 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 4
4.17 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 5
4.18 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 6
4.19 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 7
4.20 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 8
4.21 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 9
4.22 Reason #5: Fluency and Flexibility Part 10
4.23 Reason #6: Responsible Supervision Part 1
4.24 Reason #6: Responsible Supervision Part 2
4.25 Reason #6: Responsible Supervision Part 3
4.26 Knowledge Check
4.27 Review
Lesson 5: Conclusion
4 Topics
5.1 Behavior-Analytic Terminology
5.2 Accuracy and Precision
5.3 Reasons for Accurate and Precise Terminology
5.4 Review
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Lesson 5: Conclusion
ABA Terminology for Effective Practice
Lesson 5: Conclusion
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5.1 Behavior-Analytic Terminology
5.2 Accuracy and Precision
5.3 Reasons for Accurate and Precise Terminology
5.4 Review
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