
2.12 Addressing Mentalistic Language

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When working with others who favor and use mentalistic language, it is essential to be skilled at how these individuals view and discuss behavior. In this way, when a behavior analyst is communicating with persons who rely on mentalistic language, they can shape their verbal behavior toward more accurate descriptions and analytic conclusions. This is not the same as “going along to get along.” Rather, it is being able to understand how others communicate outside one’s own point of view and model more effective ways to discuss behavior. 

Type of TerminologyAccurate?Precise?
A bunch of individuals strolling through a corridor in a medical center.
Medical Professionals
A man and woman having a conversation using non-technical terminology at a desk in an office.
Academic Colleagues
A woman is giving a presentation to a group of people in a meeting room, using non-technical terminology.
Non-Behavior Analytic Colleagues
A woman and child enjoying quality time on a couch while reading a book.
Parents and Families
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