6.46 Find Articles on an Independent Variable: Step 4

Try again with a more advanced search option. Click on the hamburger menu again and select ‘Advanced search.’ Leave the term ‘contingency management’ in the text box next to ‘with the exact phrase.’ Toward the middle of the advanced search box, where it says ‘where my words occur’ click the option ‘in the title of the article’ instead of ‘anywhere in the article.’ Click the search button.

This will yield more than 1,000 articles. But it’s a bit more manageable than 50,000. 

Remember, with Google Scholar, we have to watch for 1) articles that have a free version indicated on the right hand side of the list of results or 2) articles in journals we can access through the BACB or ABAI such as JABAJEABBehavioral Interventions, and Perspectives on Behavior Science.

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