5.4 Separate Windows or Screens

Finally, some users find it helpful to use two separate browser windows to complete this lesson. One browser window will have this tutorial open so that you can follow the instructions and steps in this lesson. The other browser window will have another website open (such as the BACB portal, Google Scholar, or PubMed Central) so that you can interact with it. You have several options for accomplishing this:

  1. While opening this tutorial on one screen, open the other website on a second screen. The second screen could be a second monitor attached to your computer or a completely separate device, such as an iPad or your phone.
  2. If you are on a device with a large screen (e.g., a laptop or desktop computer or even some tablets), you could divide your screen in half and have the two windows next to each other.
  3. You could open the second window in another browser tab and switch between the two tabs as needed (this is less than ideal, but still workable). 
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