
1.6 Standard 2.08

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Specifically, the objectives of this tutorial align with Standards 2.08, 2.10, and 3.11 of the Ethics Code. Standard 2.08, for example, focuses on communicating about services and requires our ability to “use understandable language in, and ensure comprehension of, all communications with clients, stakeholders, supervisees, trainees, and research participants.”

The logo for the bacc certification board adheres to the 2.08 standard.

Communicating About Services. Behavior analysts use understandable language in, and ensure comprehension of, all communications with clients, stakeholders, supervisees, trainees, and research participants. Before providing services, they clearly describe the scope of services and specify the conditions under which services will end. They explain all assessment and behavior-change intervention procedures before implementing them and explain assessment and intervention results when they are available. They provide an accurate and current set of their credentials and a description of their area of competence upon request.

~ Section 2.08 of the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts

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