6.48 Find Citing Articles With Google Scholar

Imagine you want to see what other works have built off a particular article. This can be helpful when building a literature review. It can help you find other articles on the same topic as your original article. It can also be helpful when tracking the impact of a particular piece of work.

Google Scholar provides this information. Whether Google Scholar has a full text version of the article or not, you can still conduct a search to see who has cited this article in the references.

Type the name of the original article in the text box. For example, search for the article ‘Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis.’

Notice the five blue options at the bottom of the article listing:

Save – Cite – Cited by – Related articles – All versions

Click on the blue ‘Cited by ‘ phrase

This leads to a list of articles and books that included the original article in the reference section.

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