6.36 Find Full Text Articles on a Common Topic: Step 4

Change the search parameter to read “Down Syndrome” in ‘Abstract- ABSTRACT’ AND “behavior analysis” in ‘Document text- FULLTEXT.’ Behavior analytic authors often include demographics of the participants in the abstract of the article. This can help narrow our search results to a more precise list of articles.

In ProQuest:

A search parameter in ‘Anywhere’ looks for the phrase (e.g., ‘Down Syndrome’) anywhere in the article’s record (e.g., journal title, article title, abstract, text of the article, reference section).

A search parameter in ‘Document text- FULLTEXT’ looks for the phrase only in the text portion of the article (e.g., abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references).

But a search parameter in ‘Abstract – ABSTRACT’ looks for the phrase only in the abstract of the article. Sometimes looking for a particular phrase in the abstract will yield a more precise list of results. Click the teal ‘search’ button.

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