Click on the drop down menu near the ‘Sorted by’ label in the left panel. Use this menu to sort by most recent, no matter how or how often the article mentions ‘check in/check out.’
Notice when we do this for ‘check in/check out’ the list becomes populated with recent articles that are not relevant to the ‘check in/check out’ subject we are interested in. Sorting by date decreases the relevance of our search results.
It looks like with this search, the most effective way to sort these results is by ‘relevance’ (even though this is not the most efficient). You can also sort this list so the oldest articles are at the top. But it might have the same negative effect on relevance.
A new multimedia tutorial has launched! Efficiently Searching the Academic Literature by Dr. Nicole Bank. 2.5 CEUs for only $15 through Feb. 28! ×