6.55 Organization Strategies and Barriers

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The methods used to organize scholarly literature online can create a barrier to access for behavior analysts. Look at these organization strategies and see how they lead to a corresponding barrier.

Organization StrategyBarrier
Most scholarly literature is organized in academic databases separated by subject area (e.g., medicine, education, chemistry, history).Behavior analysts engage in conceptual and experimental activities across a number of different subject areas.  
Scholarly literature is also organized in academic databases provided by a specific journal publisher.Behavior-analytic journals are published by many different publishing companies.
The scholarly literature is organized and maintained by different companies, some who charge for access.Graduate school provided access to the scholarly literature through the university library. Many BCBAs no longer have access to a university library so they have to pay to access much of the scholarly literature.
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board and the Association for Behavior Analysis International provide access to some of the scholarly literature.Access to the scholarly literature is provided across multiple databases and has to be searched across multiple interfaces.
Searching academic databases leads to articles in the database with that keyterm, phrase, or author name regardless of philosophical, conceptual, and/or methodological features.The behavior-analytic scholarly literature often has terms or phrases common to many different disciplines, not just behavior analysis, leading to a long list of search results with unpredictable relevance.
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